Thursday, January 8, 2009

White Flag welcomes SERGE MURPHY

Yup! Little bit of old news , but still fuckn awesome. The White Flag Sales crew is greatly excited to introduce Serge Murphy as newly signed flow rider representing ETNIES Footwear. Unless you have been living under a rock lately, Etnies has come a long way in rebuilding its team. Currently on the national roster Etnies has the likes of Mikey Taylor, Sean Malto, and Kyle Leeper strongly representing the comeback!

We here at he office are completely psyched to have Serge on the flow tip!

Thanks and Congrats to Serge Murphy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

White Flag Sales welcomes Sean Ryan

Yup....what do you mean you dont know Sean Ryan

you should

The White Flag Agency welcomes Sean Ryan to it flow team

Congrats Sean

Back in the Saddle

Well, I hate to start off a blog like this, but sorry for the long delay in keeping the blog a rolling. The office is bezerker as we have finally gained the reigns on the Sole Tech account base along with setting up the new year round office/showroom. Times are crazy, not too much time to to even ride. But times will come!~
So keep checking on, I swear I will keep the blog hitting regular postings...
love you all

back in the saddle

White Flag Sales