Thursday, January 24, 2008

For all those interested

Well, we have been so busy over here at the showroom over the past 3 weeks that i really havent had time to clean the White Flag Van. Ha Ha! For all those interested insales repping, prepare yourself for no time to keep your automobile clean. This is what you have to look forward to. The funny thing is, I can name everything in that van right now. Even the shit that is buried that you cant see. Damn, Cant wait to clean that thing before we leave for the Stratton On Snow demo. HaHa. Shit, I hope my tech rep Matty isnt buried underneath all that sea of product!

Crazy shit

Well, came across a photo of the boys dropping an undisclosed dam location. That is some crazy shit. Chris Carr droped this beeach and rode away. If you look closely, there is a pole located just offsetr from the base ramp landing. Holy Drop of Death.
Just sonme crazy shit for y'all to peep. The boys are workin hard. White Flag represent!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

General Pow's Chicken

Holy shit! What a day! Brian Norton is the best sherpa ever. I have never rode Loon Mountain like I did today. The snow was epic. The Woods were epic. Friends were epic. I cant believe I forgot my camera. Whatever, if you havent hit up Loon lately, you are totally missing out. Unbelievable. Sick. Memorable day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Heating up

Thats right the White Flag showroom located in Portsmouth, NH is heating up. Should be in full swing asap. Here is a little teaser shot for you to chew on! Thanks to Crowbar and Fat Matt for the set up help. Crowbar , nice photo, you made the blog!